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How to Filter

Filters are powerful when working with deals.

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Written by Support
Updated over 11 months ago

Within your Dealflow Pipeline you'll find the filter feature located across the top of your pipeline:

Upon clicking “+ Add filter”, you will be presented with a comprehensive list of all enabled fields within your environment. Navigate through the list by either scrolling or utilizing the search functionality to locate specific fields of interest. Once identified, selecting a field initiates a pop-up window, enabling you to specify additional criteria for precise filtering:

You can also enjoy multi-filtering capabilities, which allow simultaneous filtering by multiple fields. Simply repeat the steps mentioned above to add additional filter layers as needed. In the provided example, we demonstrate the application of 3 distinct features:

1. Active deals

2. Deals active for more than 30 days

3. Deals owned by Emmi Henriksson

This versatile grid filter feature is accessible across all modules within Zapflow, accommodating both Kanban View and Gridmode View interfaces.

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